Thursday, 19 April 2012

Brief History on African Print Fabric

 Welcome and thank you for visiting this blog on African print. Hope you like what you are about to read. Feel free to visit anytime.
African Print Fabric

African print fabric has been in existence for as long as one can remember. Much to my amazement, the batik was first discovered by the Indonesians and later, by the Dutch, who realized that entering the print business would be very lucrative. It was however first brought to Africa by the Indonesians, then later, the Europeans, specifically the Dutch.

African Print Fabric
The fabrics spread through African market and later, these fabrics were modified and designed to mirror various indigenous African culture and traditions. Many of the designs found on fabrics portray events or adages. Others also depict highly respected people.
Currently in Africa, African print fabric can be found in Ghana, Cote D’Ivoire and other West African countries.
In Ghana, the two most important producers of African print fabric are Akosombo Textile Limited (ATL) and Ghana Textile Limited (GTP).


  1. its a nice piece , anyway where can i get some African print?.

    1. thank you very much ivy, glad you like it.with regards to where you can get some African print, the best place is in Accra, Joceline limited, opposite 1st gate of rawlings park. it is a very popular place.i can even get you her number if u want it.

  2. who would have thought the Indonesians introduced fabrics to us? that is quite interesting. i hope i'll learn a lot from here.

    1. i'm glad you like my piece of work.i was intrigued myself when i first found out.hope you come back soon. thank you
